Why Do People Get Divorced?
People get divorce for so many different reasons. It is hard to peg down just one common reason. The concept of Irreconcilable Differences was introduced to address this issue. It used to be that you had to have a reason why you wanted to divorce and then you had to prove that reason in court. Divorce became so common and the courts finally caught up with the times. You now can get divorced without having to prove anything.
Just because you don't have to prove anything doesn't mean that there aren't reasons why people get divorced. Today I will address the top three reasons; Money, Adultery and Incompatibility.
Money is a big issue. The reasons behind why money is an issue are endless but in general they come down to people disagree about how to spend money, how much money to save, one party is working too much, the other party isn't working or contributing, someone is spending all the money on things the other party doesn't agree with.
While technically adultery can be a "for cause" grounds for divorce, it is often the reason people seek a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. What I mean by that is that if you say you are seeking a divorce on the grounds of adultery, then you would have to prove the adultery. If you aren't attached to having the other party being labeled an "adulterer", you can seek a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences and you don't have to prove anything. Some people live in a constant state of adultery and it doesn't seem to bother them. Other people are truly offended by the misdeed and see it as a betrayal.
While you would think that incompatibility shows up early in a marriage, it can actually show up at anytime. In newly weds, incompatibility makes the parties do a gut check when they realize that they their personalities don't match, they don't love each other or it was just a fling. In older couples, incompatibility usually shows up in "we have grown apart". It isn't maybe that they were originally incompatible, they just don't have any compatibility now.
If you are seeking a divorce and need to speak to one of our attorneys, give us a call, (208) 472-2383. Our divorce attorneys have the experience to help you.