Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Covid-19 and the Divorce Process

Our world has been turned upside down by the Covid-19 virus.  Our state was shut down for weeks.  We now go to the grocery store wearing masks and where some shelves are empty.  Things have definitely changed.  Some things don't change, however, and seeking a divorce is one of those things.  In a world of Covid-19, how has the divorce process changed?

People are still getting divorced.  People still struggle to live with one another.  Custody issues still abound.  The primary issues haven't changed but how we go about settling those issues have.  First and foremost, a lot of work is being done remotely.  Whereas you used to come into your attorney's office for a consultation or to work on your case, you now have the option of doing that remotely on video chat or by telephone.  The courts, while they are beginning to open, are still limiting how much contact they have with the outside world.  We are taking on the example of the criminal courts in that now many trials or hearings are done in the world of Zoom.

Another way things have changed is negotiation.  Because of the backlog with the court system, if a client wants to get their case wrapped up quicker than waiting for a hearing date, attorneys and clients have essentially been asked to work out issues more aggressively through negotiation.  Settlement conferences are on the uptick.

Will things ever go back to normal?  That is a good questions.  Some issues, however, cannot wait for normal or an answer to that question.  Married life is difficult and when it is coupled with incompatibility issues it can be impossible to continue.  The divorce attorneys at Kershisnik Law understand the need to move forward and with that in mind we will provide the same hard work, dedication and skill as we always have, whether that is through remote representation or through the new normal. 

If you need to speak with a Boise Divorce Attorney, please give us a call, (208) 472-2383.  You will be glad you did.  For more information please visit